MANIFESTO November 2016
The European ICOLD Club launches this MANIFESTO with the aim of promoting an honest and transparent public debate which will hopefully facilitate actions to raise awareness of European policy to support the role of reservoirs and dams for water supply, irrigation and energy generation, providing an effective contribution to climate change adaptation, preserving the environment, and increasing societal resilience.

Finland was elected as the 21st member of ICOLD at the 6th Annual Meeting in Hague on September 3, 1947. Activities were
first operated by the name of International Commission on Large Dams of the World Power Conference Finnish Committee. This
Finnish Committee arranged 26th Annual Meeting of ICOLD in Helsinki in 1959. Finnish Committee on Large Dams (FINCOLD) was registered on September 6, 1960.

COLD European Club Annual Newsletter 2024
Sera Lazaridou, EurCOLD President
Alfredo Granados, EurCOLD Secretary General
Dear colleagues,
In 2023 we had the opportunity and pleasure to meet in both the 91st ICOLD Annual meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden and the 12th ICOLD European Club Symposium in Interlaken,Switzerland.

May 24 to June 1, 2024. 1st Day Dams in Italy
Dam Day - Reservoirs for Europe is an annual celebrations day declared by
EurCOLD (ICOLD European Club) and being held in May. The establishment
followed an initiative of the Italian Committee on Large Dams (ITCOLD) aiming to
advocate, recognize contribution and spread knowledge on the role of dams and
their reservoirs in an economic, social and environmental context. The event is

5th International DAM WORLD Conference (DW2025)
The Fifth International Dam World Conference (DW2025) will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 13th to 17th April 2025. The National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC) will host the Conference, which will be co-organised by LNEC, the Portuguese National Commission on Large Dams (CNPGB) and the Brazilian Commission on Dams (CBDB).