The Club welcomes applications from ICOLD National Committees in Europe which share its aims.
The Club is managed by a Governing Board. The Board appoints a Secretary to undertake the administration of the Club.
The Board can create committees and workings groups from time to time to undertake specific tasks on behalf oft he Board.
The Board consists of the Chairmen of each National Committee who are members of the Club. The first elected Vice President of ICOLD for Zone Europe has the right to be a member of the Board.
The Chairman of the Board is elected and holds office for two years commencing on 1 January.
The Secretary General of ICOLD has the right to attend and to speak at the meetings of the Board.
The Board meets at least once per year and the meetings are normally arranged to take place at European Symposia or at ICOLD Meetings.
When voting is requited, the decisions of the Board will require an unanimous vote unless the members present at the meeting agree that a majority vote is acceptable.
The functions of the Secretary are:
  • The performance of the activities which are entrusted to him by the Board.
  • In relation to the Working Groups the co-ordination of the activities of the Groups by maintaining contact with the Co-ordinator of each Working Group and receiving progress reports from the Working Group Co-ordinators. He assists the Working Groups with the publication of the results of their work to the members of the Club and, where appropriate, more widely.
  • In relation to the European Symposia, maintenance of contact with National committees which organise the Symposia.
  • Preparation of an Annual Report for the Club.
  • The secretary is appointed by the Board, usually for three years. The appointment is renewable.
The purpose of the Working Groups is to exchange up to date information and to encourage research on matters which are, according to the objective of the club, of current interest to the members.
Each Working Group concentrates on a specific topic.
The terms of reference are agreed by the Board and the Working Groups, through the Secretary and the Co-ordinators taking into account the tasks of ICOLD Technical Committees.
The normal maximum duration of a Working Group is three years but it may be extended by the Board.
Generally, unless the Board considers otherwise, with the exception of the Co-ordinator and the Deputy Co-ordinator, if any, the members of the Working Group are appointed by the National Committees and each National Committee is entitled to nominate a maximum of two members on a Working Group.
The Working Groups shall be given the opportunity to present reports and papers on their work at sessions in the European Symposia.
It is intended that Symposia with topics particularly relevant to a number of European countries will be held generally at intervals of two to four years. The European Symposia are not held close to ICOLD Congresses.
The topics, venue and timing for a Symposium are the responsibility of the host National Committee.
The Board reviews the proposals of the host National Committee and, if considered necessary, suggests modifications, for example, to avoid a potential duplication of subject matter at other symposia, conferences, etc.
The Club does not charge a membership subscription.
The Club has no financial assets.
The Club has no employees and makes no payment for the services provided by its members.
The Board shall review the value of the Club to its members from time to time and decide whether the Club shall continue to function
Following preliminary meetings in the period 1993 to 1995, the Club was formally established on 6 September 1995 at a meeting of the founder members in Crans-Montana, Switzerland.