Documents & Letters
4 September 2019
Dear Member of EUCOLD,
I would like to draw your attention to three major events for dams in Europe, which will take place
from 30 September to 4 October 2019 in Chania, Crete.
-Monday 30 Sept-Tuesday 1 October: The Seminar "Flood management, spillway design and public safety" is intended for all those who are concerned about the safety of dams and power stations in operation.
10 February 2018
Dear Members of EURCOLD,
Dear Colleagues,
One of EURCOLD mayor objectives for the period 2017-2019 is the improvement of Research and Development in our professional field of activity. To that end, EURCOLD is leading a consortium that will submit a proposal under the EC H2020 programme to produce a synthesis of expected research developments and research needs for the coming decades through a technology roadmap and research and innovation agenda in the hydropower sector, targeting an energy system with high flexibility and renewable share.
20 January 2017
Dear Members of EurCOLD Board,
As I have recalled in my first letter (posted in our website: Jan 13, 2017), one of the objectives I pursue is to strengthen friendship, relations and networking within EurCOLD by holding a “getting together” event coupled to every Board Meeting.
My proposal would be to start this tradition in Prague, on the evening of Tuesday July 4, for which I have already got the agreement coordinated with the Organizing Committee. The Velkoprevorsky Palace, in the city center, is booked for us (see pictures hereunder).
20 November 2017
Dear Members of EURCOLD,
Dear Colleagues,
Cooperation and interchange of information between countries and professionals is in EURCOLD’s DNA. This makes EURCOLD a perfect room for arranging R&I consortiums in the dams field, that would benefit from the trans-boundary conditions (the club is composed of 23 member countries, most
belonging to the European Union) and from the large scope covered by their members (administrations, owners, contractors, consultants and universities). Thus we can make an integrated, significant, contribution to R&I in the dams field. This is a major objective of this presidency. Thus invite you to contribute to the following actions.